Digging Deep into Data: Critically Appraising Data and Data Collection Methods (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

Are you able to evaluate data collection methods? Determine if a data set really says what authors claim it says? Interpret and evaluate data documentation? Help researchers find a quality data set that suits their purpose?

Jocelyn Swick-Jemison, a veteran information literacy instructor, the architect of her library’s data services, and a former data manager for large clinical trials, will be your guide to developing data and data collection evaluation skills that enable you to go deeper into evaluating research than traditional evaluation approaches allow.

In this hands-on webinar you’ll learn the key features of quality data sets and data collection methods and use this knowledge to practice evaluating a published study and its data set. You’ll also learn how to think critically about diversity and inclusion in medical research data and data collection.

You’ll leave the webinar with skills in evaluating health sciences research and other data literacy skills you can use to develop data literacy lessons, support patrons in finding and evaluating data sets and researchers in setting up studies, and avoid stumbling blocks with your own data collection.

The demand for data librarianship as a job title and as an added job responsibility is growing. The knowledge and skills you gain from this webinar can help make you more marketable and more valuable.

More information. 
