Archieven: Evenementen

Critical Appraisal of Health Sciences Data for Long-term Preservation and Public Sharing (online)

07/12/2021 @ 13:00 – 14:30 – Take your data management skills beyond common data management practices to another level of ensuring long-term preservation and public sharing of health sciences data. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to critically appraise data collection methods, method documentation, and designation of data types using the CURATED method developed by the Data Curation Network. You’ll leave […]


CURATED Data for Long-term Preservation and Public Sharing (online)

07/12/2021 @ 13:00 – 14:30 – Take your data management skills beyond common data management practices to another level of ensuring long-term preservation and public sharing of health sciences data. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to critically appraise data collection methods, method documentation, and designation of data types using the CURATED method developed by the Data Curation Network. You’ll leave […]


KNVI Super Tuesday – Duivelse Dilemma’s… is Nederland digitaal genoeg? (online)

07/12/2021 @ 16:00 – 17:00 – KNVI organiseert elk jaar verschillende events voor professionals in informatiemanagement, Informatietechnologie en Informatievoorziening. Jaarlijks organiseert de activiteitencommissie van de KNVI 10-15 events die samen een gebalanceerde afspiegeling vormen van de verschillende disciplines IT, archief en bibliotheken. Naast het aanbod van de centrale activiteitencommissie organiseren de verschillende interessegroepen van de KNVI events over specifieke thema’s. Plaats […]
