Archieven: Evenementen

But Where is My Data? Teaching a Two-Stage Data Search Process (online)

19/03/2024 – 02/05/2024 @ 13:00 – 14:30 – If you are a health, biomedical sciences, or instructional librarian or other health information professional looking for new ways to serve your patrons, learning how to conduct and explain the unique process needed for a successful dataset search may be just what you need! Dataset searching requires a specialized skill set. Datasets can have hundreds […]


Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal Course (online)

15/04/2024 – 26/04/2024 @ Hele dag – The Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Critical Appraisal Course is an online course offering an in-depth introduction to systematic reviews and evidence synthesis methods. The course runs over ten days with around three hours of learning per day, and is delivered by experts from the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York. Based on […]


Conducting a Systematic Review: a practical guide (online)

15/04/2024 – 18/04/2024 @ 12:00 – 17:00 – The aim of the course is to equip participants with an understanding of the systematic review process and an introduction to the skills necessary to conduct a review. The course is practical and highly interactive with a range of discussion, group and hands-on sessions. It is envisaged that participants will come to the course with […]


VOGIN-IP-LEZING: Zoeken en vinden 2024

18/04/2024 @ Hele dag – Nu, eind januari, kunnen we met trots melden dat inmiddels twee keynotes, zes lezingen en negen workshops zekere programmaonderdelen zijn. Een programma met veel aandacht voor wat Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ons vakgebied teweeg kan gaan brengen. ChatGPT, Large Language Models en Prompt Engineering komen natuurlijk aan bod. Ook  onderzoeken we op 18 april de […]


Communicating with Researchers about the Benefits and Risks of AI for Evidence Synthesis (online)

18/04/2024 – 02/05/2024 @ 13:00 – 14:30 – It seems that everyone is talking about AI and what it can do, can’t do, and seems to do but doesn’t really. If you work on systematic reviews, you may be especially interested in the answers to these questions that go to the heart of how librarians collaborate with researchers on reviews: Can AI tools […]
