Methodological and Other Search Filters for Evidence Synthesis


15:00 - 18:00

Evenement type

Methodological search filters, or ‘hedges’, are used to limit search results to studies of a particular design, such as randomized controlled trials. Search filters are an essential tool in systematic searches for studies that allow for evidence syntheses in a variety of fields, such as the social sciences and medicine / health care, where they are used to produce systematic reviews, health technology assessments, guidelines, and other evidence syntheses.
Finding appropriate filters and deciding which ones to use are key aspects of the evidence synthesis search process. Not all filters, however, are equally effective. They may have been designed with a sensitive / broad focus (useful in identifying studies for evidence syntheses) or with a more precise / specific focus (useful for answering clinical questions). In addition to methodological search filters, there is increased interest in access to other search filters (hedges) or ‘search blocks’, such as filters to find diseases, which can be useful in reducing duplication of effort in search strategy design.

This workshop will cover a range of topics and learning objectives including:

  • Understanding the role and importance of methodological and other search filters;
  • Learning how to find and how to appraise search filters;
  • Learning how to use filters effectively to enhance and focus the search process;
  • Exploring some challenges of using search filters and how to avoid them;
  • Exploring some challenges in adapting search filters from one database / interface into another;
  • Understanding the ethical considerations of using search filters;
  • Learning how to stay up to date with new search filters; and
  • Gaining practical experience in using search filters through hands-on exercises.

Click here for more information.
