Mixed Methods Systematic Review and Searching the Evidence Base Courses


21/01/2019 - 23/01/2019    
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Take advantage of the early bird rates (available until 30th November 2018) for our popular mixed methods systematic review and literature searching courses, 21st – 23rd January 2019, University of Leeds, UK. Day 3 is of particular interest to information specialists and librarians, who can attend this a stand-alone literature searching course.


Mixed Methods Systematic Reviews – Days 1 and 2

Mixed methods systematic reviews combine qualitative and quantitative evidence to answer complex applied health and public health questions. These methods are becoming increasingly important as we seek to understand why interventions may have different results for different people in different situations. Following this two day course participants should have a strong understanding of:

* The key concepts of mixed methods systematic reviews

* Methods for synthesising qualitative and quantitative research


Course delivered by Dr Katy Sutcliffe, Deputy Director of the Department of Health Reviews Facility, EPPI-Centre, Institute of Education, University of London with guest speakers Dr Joanne Greenhalgh and Dr Helen Elsey from the University of Leeds


The course will benefit systematic reviewers and researchers (with review experience) who wish to extend their skill set, select and use mixed-methods reviewing methods appropriate to their question.


Searching the Evidence for Mixed Methods Reviews – Day 3

Identifying theory, qualitative and quantitative evidence for reviews answering complex questions can be challenging. Literature search methods for conventional reviews can be adapted and alternative methods e.g. citation searching can be useful for identifying a range of study types and evidence efficiently.  Systematic reviews using iterative search approaches pose particular challenges in managing records and reporting search methods. Join us to explore and practise literature search techniques and reference management methods for robust evidence gathering for mixed methods systematic reviews.


Course be delivered by Judy Wright, and Information Specialists from Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds.

The course will benefit information specialists, librarians and researchers by offering:

* A strong understanding of best practice search methods for mixed-methods reviews

* Practical skills in search techniques including citation searching, filters/strategies, resource selection and managing 1000’s of references from multiple searches with EndNote.


You can attend all three days, or just the mixed methods course or the evidence search workshop. Further details, booking information and accommodation guide is available on the website: http://medhealth.leeds.ac.uk/info/647/health_economics/2364/mixed_methods_systematic_review_and_searching_the_evidence_courses
