Practical Issues in Producing Network Meta-Analyses for HTA


27/05/2021 - 28/05/2021    
10:00 - 15:00



Evenement type


Indirect treatment comparisons (ITC) and mixed treatment comparisons (MTC), collectively referred to as network meta-analysis (NMA), are increasingly used in health technology assessment (HTA). These statistical techniques synthesise direct and indirect evidence to provide information on the comparative effectiveness and safety of multiple competing interventions.

NMAs are often complex and challenging projects to undertake and involve various planning considerations that are critical for successful delivery. These considerations include specifying the review question, identifying relevant studies, deciding how to assess the similarity of studies in a potential network, developing the statistical analysis plan, and using the NMA output in economic models.

This two-day workshop is offered by experienced reviewers from YHEC and statisticians from Quantics who have collaborated on many NMAs to inform HTA submissions. The workshop offers an introduction to the practical issues involved in commissioning and performing NMAs for project managers, research commissioners and others new to these techniques. This training does not involve coding with WinBUGS or other programming software.

Meer informatie.
