Putting Evidence in the Best Light: Supporting Data Visualization in Systematic Reviews and other Evidence Syntheses (online)


13:00 - 14:30

Evenement type

If you work on systematic reviews or other forms of evidence synthesis, you know that conducting a rigorous, methodologically sound synthesis is only part of the challenge of a review team. The team must also be able to clearly and effectively communicate the processes and results of their work in their publications and presentations. You can increase your value as the librarian on a team by advising and educating teams on the power of data visualizations and on selecting the best visualizations and tools for their purposes.

Caitlin Bakker, a Lead Information Specialist for a Cochrane Collaboration and experienced data visualization instructor, and Erin Reardon, an experienced member of review teams and review co-author, will show you how PRISMA charts, forest plots, funnel plots, “traffic lights,” and other types of data visualizations can highlight biases, demonstrate rigor, and effectively summarize key review findings.

More information.
